Business Social Media Analytics

This research paper is an accumulation of papers that focus on Social Media Analytics (SMA)  for business intelligence and starts by defining Business SMA as “..all activities related to gather...

Building an analytics culture

This study provides insights on how companies perceive intelligence from big data analytics and brings up the question: Are you a leader or a laggard? While leaders – companies or executives th...

Open-source scripting environment Komodo Edit 4.3 The free and open sourc...

Prism for the Desktop

Mozilla Labs last week released a new version of Prism, a single-site browser system that brings web applications to the desktop. The latest version is designed to work as a Firefox extension rather ...

Coding with your mind Neural Impulse Actuator is essentia...

Let’s go to San Francisco The Open Source Business Conference has courses about open source software use on emerging business models and profitability, with emphasis o...