Highlighting Annotations in SolrJ

Recently in work, we had to use the Solr Indexer when creating a RESTful API in Java using the JAX-RS specification. Solr provides wrappers around its API calls for a variety of programming languages...

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

In other words, how to rent an army of slaves on demand. Quoting from Amazon Web Services (emphasis mine): Amazon Mechanical Turk is a marketplace for work that requires human intelligence. The Mecha...

Trac, SVN quick howto on a linux Debian

In the following, I will present a mini guide to setup Trac 0.10.3 and SVN services on a Linux Debian stable. I needed a per project authentication both in trac and in svn. I just finished it, seems ...

Text Analysis inside Lucene

Lucene (http://lucene.apache.org) is a well-known Informational Retrieval (IR) library, implemented in Java, which allows you to add powerful indexing and searching capabilities to your application. ...

Scientific Workplace και Ελληνικά

Το Scientific workplace είναι ένα πολύ καλό εμπορικό front-end για το Latex. Θα περιγράψουμε ένα τρόπο να γράψουμε ελληνικά με το Scientific Workplace που βασίζεται στο omega του Γιάννη Χαραλάμπους. ...

Remote Procedure Calls in GWT

From google GWT RPC makes it easy for the client and server to pass Java objects back and forth over HTTP. When used properly, RPCs give you the opportunity to move all of your UI logic to the client...

Open-source scripting environment Komodo Edit 4.3

 http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080316-hands-on-open-source-scripting-environment-komodo-edit-4-3.html http://www.activestate.com/Products/komodo_ide/komodo_edit.mhtml The free and open sourc...

Prism for the Desktop

Mozilla Labs last week released a new version of Prism, a single-site browser system that brings web applications to the desktop. The latest version is designed to work as a Firefox extension rather ...

No Time to Think

Where is the space and time in which we get quiet enough to think in deeper ways? Which are the tools to enable us do that? Very interesting/good talk, extremely interesting subject, nothing really n...