Companies often wonder to what extend does a piece of content on social media contribute to brand equity of a brand. Is ROE the new measure for that? Return on engagement is a new buzz term used in s...
This research paper is an accumulation of papers that focus on Social Media Analytics (SMA) for business intelligence and starts by defining Business SMA as “..all activities related to gather...
This study provides insights on how companies perceive intelligence from big data analytics and brings up the question: Are you a leader or a laggard? While leaders – companies or executives th...
Read about the 47th FIBEP congress, ROE vs ROI, Mergers & Acquisitions, Hot Technolog Tips, Trading across borders and Media Monitoring Insights in the FIBEP Q2/2014 MarComm Business Bulletin. St...
More than 220 delegates (a record number! – including DataScouting, the only delegate from Greece) from around 36 countries met in Amsterdam last week to “Up The Game” and move from measurement...
The following is an interview of DataScouting’s General Manager, Stavros Vologiannidis (SV), by FIBEP Marketing and Communications Commission. The full interview can be found in here. MarComm: ...
Where is the space and time in which we get quiet enough to think in deeper ways? Which are the tools to enable us do that? Very interesting/good talk, extremely interesting subject, nothing really n... The Open Source Business Conference has courses about open source software use on emerging business models and profitability, with emphasis o...