Artificial Intelligence & Ethics: Building Trust

Series of mini-interviews about Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is essential in analyzing the massive volumes of data, now available, and converting them into actionable information, knowledge and insights.

We will feature three mini-interviews with Tom, Sophia, and Stavros with their perspective of Artificial Intelligence and its role related to ethics and trust, media intelligence, and core value proposition of AI tools for IT.

The first question goes to Tom Avramis, the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of DataScouting.

Q: Why is Artificial Intelligence important and how can we build trust?

Tom: Artificial intelligence has made rapid progress in recent years. While a few years ago it was something that affected the lives of just a few people, now we all use Artificial Intelligence every day, to take better photos, to open our PCs through face recognition, to give voice instructions to devices, or to get to our destination quickly.

To achieve this progress, a huge amount of data was required, which was introduced by researchers into algorithms to teach them to perform specific procedures on their own. The practice of collecting this data is something that should concern us, and it already concerns researchers, and companies that operate in the field. However, more efforts should be done related to data privacy, which although it does not have immediate results for the end user, it is very important that they proceed in parallel.

At the same time, businesses need to realize that the tendency to respect citizens’ right to privacy, through the use of specialized AI algorithms, is an important innovative tool that can significantly differentiate them from competition. I believe that the European Union has given important examples of respect for the privacy of its citizens and its actions are being copied worldwide. Thus, European companies have the opportunity to step forward and provide solutions with respect to user data.

There is a lot of discussion in both academia and industry, about what a human-centered and balanced framework for Artificial Intelligence means with high ethical standards, appropriate liability rules and legal certainty for both developers and users. The ethical and transparent approach, aims and invests in boosting European citizens’ confidence in AI. Europeans do recognize the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, but at the same time they are concerned. Recent researches show that Europeans generally have positive feelings about Artificial Intelligence and its evolution. At the same time, Europeans are concerned that “smart” devices are monitoring them within their households, believe that there are not enough laws that control the development of AI, and are concerned that companies process and profit from their personal data without their permission. Companies and researchers must invest in developing new algorithms that solve this problem.

Mr Avramis recently talked about what companies like DataScouting should do to build trust in Artificial Intelligence in a MEPCast hosted by Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, member of the European Parliament.

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