DataScouting Broadcast

Choosing a media monitoring software, Part II

From Print to Broadcast In Part I we introduced the MediaScouting Print as a powerful and cost-effective solution for the monitoring of print media. In this article, we will stress out the importance...
MediaScouting Print

Choosing media monitoring software, Part I

The ease of Print Monitoring Shaping what the media are going to say starts by knowing what they are saying. Companies can stay on top of the coverage that matters to them with comprehensive media mo...

And the winner is….!!!

DataScouting is happy to announce Alexander D’yakonov was the winner of our Kaggle competition on Greek Media Monitoring Multilabel Classification. Participants were asked to develop an automated ann...

Automated topics identification in media monitoring

A competition on Media Monitoring Multilabel Classification The value of media monitoring lies in selecting, categorising and delivering the right content to clients in real time. As quality and time...
Aggrate knowledge

Aggregate knowledge: media intelligence platforms

The following is an interview of DataScouting’s General Manager, Stavros Vologiannidis (SV), by FIBEP Marketing and Communications Commission. The full interview can be found in here. MarComm: ...


PaladorScheduler A job scheduler for large scale data processing (more info at   DataScouting PaladorScheduler is a software ecosystem for scheduling, distributing, processing...

Easy server virtualization using virtualbox

There are several commercial and open source virtualization solutions ranging from small to large enterprises. In this post I will describe the process of installing a debian based headless server th...